Have your Guide only for yourself

Surely you have been to a group excursion...

Join me on a Private Excursion in Cyprus and you will enjoy your day the way YOU want to!

My name is Radka Holešovská and I have been living in Cyprus for more than 20 years. For many years I used to work as a tourist representative for various Czech travel agencies. Since 2011 I have been a dedicated tourist guide licenced by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. I know almost everything about Cyprus, and if there is anything I do not know, I can easily find it out for you. It will be my honour to guide you through Cyprus and show you the best we have

Private Excursions in Cyprus with myself as your Tourist Guide



The Cyprus Classic, or You Really Need to See This 

Petra tou Romiou (Aphrodite’s Rock)

According to a legend, this is a place of the birth of the goddess Aphrodite, the only goddess who spent her life in Cyprus. A myth says that once you swim in this beautiful romantic bay, you will get younger and prettier. And if you find a heart-shaped rock, you will find your never-ending true love. This is a place where you can take the most romantic photos in Cyprus.


The ancient city-kingdom with the Greco-Roman theatre, where you can try the wonderful acoustics ancient theatres had. We will also see the House of Eustolios with the Roman baths and the mosaic floor. I will tell you how people used to live in the Roman times, how they used to eat, drink and what kind of houses the Romans used to build.

Paphos and archaeological site with Roman mosaics

This really is something! If you have been to Cyprus and you haven’t seen the mosaics, it is as if you have never even been to the island.

The incredibly well-preserved Roman mosaic floors belong to the TOP 10 Cyprus monuments. Accurate work of Roman craftsmen depicts scenes from Greek mythology, geometrical motifs or hunting scenes.

You will definitely enjoy the gripping stories behind each mosaic.


The Best of Troodos Mountains

Excursion to the mountains is usually a big surprise for the visitors. They wouldn’t even think about that we do have some mountains here!

Omodhos Village

Omodhos village is famous for its wine-making, and therefore, we will go for a wine tastingWe will visit the very popular monastery of Holy Cross, where I will show you some very interesting ecclesiastical relics.

Right next to the monastery in a tiny traditional square we can enjoy an authentic Cyprus frapé in a restaurant or a coffee shop. You should definitely buy some sweets, souvenirs or nuts here. There are plenty of cute little shops where you can spend your money all day long.

The Richest Monastery in Cyprus – Kykkos

In this monastery you can find a miracle icon. It is believed the icon was painted by Apostle Luke in the presence of the Virgin Mary. Moreover, the monastery is richer than the whole Republic of Cyprus.

Is it true? Or is it just legends and myths?

In Throni you will see the Tomb of Archbishop Makarios III, the first president of Cyprus, as well as the massive bronze statue of the former president.

The Highest Peak Olympus, nearly 2000 m.

We will drive by car nearly up to the top and we will have a look at what the British soldiers built there.

Prodromos village and the mysterious hotel Berengaria

Prodromos village is the highest village in Cyprus (1380 m) and they say the hotel Berengaria is haunted.

Higher than the village there are only pine trees, Cyprus mouflons, ski slopes and ski lifts (Yes, we do ski in the winter here! 🙂


The last divided capital in Europe invites you for a visit! You will need your passport or ID, as we will cross the border to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Nicosia is a colourful mixture of the Middle Ages, the Ottoman domination, British influence and current political situation. We will also talk about the island separation.

We will take a glance on the most interesting monuments on both parts.


Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion

An Ottoman dragoman, i.e. an interpreter and tax collector, used to live here with his family. Here we will learn about how people used to live during the Ottoman rule.

St. John’s Cathedral

The only church in Nicosia in which the whole of the internal frescoes from the 18 th century have survived in their entirety.

Venetian Walls

Venetian Walls is a large sandstone city fortification which was used in the 16 th century to protect Nicosia from the Ottomans.

We will walk cross the border and we will arrive to…


Selimiye Mosque

Former gothic St. Sophia Cathedral.

A pearl of the French Gothic from the 14 th century. The Ottomans converted the St. Sophia

Cathedral into a mosque. You will learn how they managed to do that and why they did it.

Buyuk Han (The Great Inn)

A former hotel for Ottoman merchants, their freight and camels. Nowadays, you will find small restaurants here, as well as shops with traditional souvenirs that you won’t see anywhere else in Nicosia.


You can chose the route of your excursion from the options above, or we can make up a different route according to your interests.

I will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel.

We will start the excursion at around 8:30 am and we will get back to the hotel by 6 pm.

It is essential you rent a car in Cyprus. We will be going to the excursion by your rented car.

If you want to try driving on the left, I will assist you and help you out.

If you don’t want to drive, leave it up to me. I will gladly drive you wherever we will be going.

You will have a professional guiding throughout the whole day.

You don’t need to worry about getting lost, looking for the monuments for hours, or waiting in the queues. I will arrange everything for you.

We can even amend the route during the day, stay longer in some places, skip some things or add some things.


€ 299


Rent-a-Car, Car Insurance and Petrol

I can arrange your rent-a-car with a local company.

The maximum number of adult persons by car is 3.

If you are more than 3 persons, we can rent a bigger car or a minibus.

If you want me to be the driver, write me down in your car insurance as a second driver.

You will cover your entrance fees. Usually the entrance fees cost € 4.50 or € 2.50 per person, depends on the monument. Children up to 12 years old are free of charge. I will calculate the total cost of entrance fees before booking the excursion.

Your lunch and your private shopping is not included in the price of the excursion.


Send me a message in a form at the very bottom of the page. We can then communicate via e-mail, Viber, Skype orWhatsapp.

The payment can be made prior to the excursion by bank transfer or via PayPal. You can also make the paymentin cash once we meet up here in Cyprus.

In case the programme will not last more than 4 hours, you will only pay 70% of the original price, i. e. €210.

The price for a regular guide tour with a travel agency in Cyprus is € 45-75 per person. If you multiply it by the number of the members of your group or your family (who want to join the excursion), you might reach the € 299 or you will pay even more than € 299.


We were expecting a tour guide of the capital, with some history, as well as the presence, with the most important monuments. The excursion fulfilled our expectations. We’ve seen the most important monuments, we went through places we were interested in, like the market or the North part of Nicosia. The excursion was fantastic and enlightening. We learnt a lot of things about the life in present times, as well as in the past. We’ve had an unforgettable experience of discovering the capital from a point of view of a person who has been living in Cyprus for around 20 years and who talked to us about the history and about how people live nowadays. Me and Ilija had a great experience with Radka’s excursion and we will remember it with gratefulness and love. This excursion created our common friendship. We would recommend Radka as a tour guide to all our friends and relatives for many reasons: professional guiding about life in Cyprus, but also a friendly attitude and possible friendship. We believe we will see each other again!
Sabína Demeterová
What I was expecting from Radka’s excursion was discovering the Cyprus monuments, architecture, nature, history, and everything I am interested in. It was a great outing through the history, beautiful nature, and we also had the best sea views. We had an unbelievably interesting guiding and she could answer all our questions. It was simply a great experience. We came back with the best adventures, a lot of new information, emotions and memories on the beloved island and the best guide Radka. To all of you who will visit the island and discover its beauties, from my heart and with pleasure and admiration, I recommend you Radka as your guide. Her guiding and her discourse will take you by your heart. You will travel few centuries back in time. Thanks to Radka you will want to come back to the island, just like I do. Radka, once again great thank you for the unforgettable experience and see you again this year on another excursion.
Ivana Procházková
Before we started the excursion, we were simply looking forward to visiting the most beautiful places and monuments. Radka explained to us many things about the history of the island. It was always interesting and with amusing style. What we liked the most was that we were like VIP travellers. We didn’t have to care about anything, Radka arranged it all. We didn’t have to push ourselves to the front to hear the guide. If you want to discover the island without stress, if you want to see a lot of places and have the route of the trip by your choice, then Radka is the right guide for you.

